jeudi 19 juillet 2007


On apprend une langue d'abord en l'écoutant.

We learn our first language easily. As we hear sounds we connect them to things and ideas and then after we have built up a repertoire of sounds/words that we understand, we start to use them as meaningful language. The whole process is largely automatic and unconscious. We just pick it up as we go along. Why is it so difficult to learn a second language?
We have a filter in our consciousness (the affective filter), which allows a lot of information to come in and stay there when we are relaxed and happy and enthusiastic. In the same way, when we are bored, scared or under pressure, it is more difficult to remember things
Learning Languages - by Mark White
Englishconversation site réalisé par deux profs d'anglais à l'université de Kyoto, ils enregistrent les dialogues avec les élèves et écrivent la transcription.

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